Phoenix Healthcare Power of Attorney

A health care power of attorney or medical power of attorney is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone to make health care decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated or unable to make decisions for yourself. It is an important, and often necessary, document to inform your doctor, hospital and other providers to whom they are authorized to share your medical information, diagnosis and prognosis, when you are unable to do so.

The person you appoint as your health care agent will be authorized to make medical decisions for you based on your wishes and values, as expressed in the health care power of attorney. The document can also include instructions for end-of-life care, such as whether you want to receive life-sustaining treatment if you are in a persistent vegetative state or have a terminal illness.

Having a health care power of attorney in place is important because it ensures that your medical wishes are respected even if you are unable to communicate them yourself. Without this document, family members or other loved ones may be forced to make difficult medical decisions without knowing your preferences or values.

At the Payne Law Office, we compassionately work with you to ensure that your healthcare power of attorney is valid and enforceable according to state law. We will also encourage you to share a copy of your healthcare power of attorney with your healthcare provider, your designated agent, and any family members or loved ones who may be involved in your medical care.