Phoenix Wills Attorney

A Will, commonly referred to as a Last Will and Testament, outlines a person’s wishes for the distribution of their assets and property after they pass away. At Payne Law we can create a flat fee stand-alone Will for you, or we can create a pass through will that distributes your assets to a revocable trust, as part of a comprehensive Estate Plan package. The Payne Law Office, of course, provides to you the legal expertise and understanding to help you decide which works better for your situation.

Any person who has assets or property that they want to leave to specific individuals or organizations should consider having a will. This can include real estate, investments, bank accounts, personal possessions, and other valuable items. If you do not have a Will, then the state considers that you died intestate (without a will) and will apply its statutes to determine who gets what.

Having a will in place ensures that your wishes are carried out and that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. It can also help avoid disputes among family members, loved ones and reduce the likelihood of disputes or even legal challenges to the distribution of assets. However, a will must go through Probate, and therefore will impose the cost of Probate on your loved ones and family members.